Sadman's Blog

A timeline for ECE496 at UofT

A timeline for ECE496 at UofT

A comprehensive timeline of the UofT engineering capstone design project course (ECE496) experience from team formation to final presentation.
March 23, 2025
7 min read
Table of Contents

What it’s like to take ECE496 at UofT

The engineering capstone design project course (ECE496) is arguably the most important course you’ll take in your entire undergrad at UofT Engineering, let alone in your final year. It’s a year-long course that runs from September to April and is an opportunity for you to work on a real-world engineering project from idea formation to (hopefully) a working established prototype.

There’s not much information available online about what the course is actually like, so I’ve decided to share a comprehensive timeline of what the ECE496 experience is like from my 4th year of engineering undergrad.

As I formally begin ECE496 in September 2025, I’ll be updating this timeline with more specific dates, along with experiences and any tips I have for future students taking the course.

6 to 8 months before ECE496 formally starts in September
20 March 2025

ECE496 Info Session

Held in-person on the St. George campus in the evening (livestreamed online and recorded for students who can’t make it), this is your first official introduction to the ECE496 Engineering Capstone Design Project course.

The session covers the following topics:

  • Understanding your capstone project course options: ECE496, APS490, and BME498
  • Important deadlines from now until September
  • Forming a team, finding, and registering for a project
  • Tips on how to get started
  • Coming to the ECE Capstone Design Fair for project inspiration

If you’re doing PEY, then you’ll still receive an invite for the info session the year your PEY is scheduled to begin.

It’s a good idea to attend so you can start thinking about your capstone project early (e.g. if you’re planning to build a team with friends).

Intro slide
Intro slide
Choices for 4th year Capstone Project
Choices for 4th year Capstone Project
Multi-disciplinary Capstone Design (APS490)
Multi-disciplinary Capstone Design (APS490)
2024-2025 Operation
2024-2025 Operation
5 months before ECE496 formally starts in September
26-29 March 2025

ECE Capstone Design Fair

Head on over to Myhal 150 to see undergraduate students showcase their capstone projects. The fair is a great opportunity to:

  • Learn about different approaches to capstone projects
  • Gather ideas for your own project
  • Network with peers and faculty

To get a preview, you can read through some of the capstone design fair news releases by the UofT ECE department from past years.

Professor Khoman Phang is one of the main coordinators of ECE496 and he uploads highlights from the annual ECE Capstone Design Fair onto a YouTube playlist here.

1-4 months before ECE496 formally starts in September
April-August 2025

Registration & background research

In the few months leading up to September, registration for yourself and your ECE496 team will open on the official ECE496 website (yes, there is a specific website for registering in ECE496).

If you don’t have a project or a team come September then you’ll be assigned one by the course coordinators (which you may not like, so you should think about this early!).

Week 1 (ECE496 formally begins)
early September 2025

Meet your administrator

Your team will get assigned an administrator who will be your main point of contact for the course. They will help you with any questions you have about the course, deadlines, and project deliverables.

Week 1-3
mid-late September 2025

Submit project proposal (draft)

Before starting to work on your project, your team will need to write a draft of a formal proposal document (outlining your project idea, timeline, and deliverables). This document will be reviewed by your project supervisor and administrator in a proposal meeting before you can officially start working on your project.

Week 3-5
late September-early October 2025

Proposal meeting

After submitting a draft of your project proposal, your team will need to organize a meeting with all stakeholders (including your project supervisor, administrator, and any external partners) to discuss any feedback and changes to your proposal.

Your team will also need to answer any questions that the stakeholders have about the project. This step is important for getting any misunderstanding about what you’re planning to build out of the way so you can start working on your project with a clear vision.

The results from this meeting with be formally included in your final project proposal document which you’ll need to submit a few weeks after the proposal meeting.

Week 5-7
mid-late October 2025

Submit project proposal (final)

Continue working on your final project proposal document and submit it to your project supervisor and administrator for review. This document will be used as a reference for the rest of the project.

Your proposal is there to provide some structure to your design project, but it does not mean that you are beholden to it. You can change your project topic, scope, timeline, and deliverables as you see fit (with the approval of your project supervisor and administrator).

Note that it is recommended to do this early on in the project if you’re considering making any changes, as it can be difficult to pivot later on.

Week 9-11
early-mid December 2025

End-of-term report & demo meeting

With your project proposal finalized, your team can finally (officially) begin working on your project!

As you approach the end of the term, you’ll also need to start working on your end-of-term report and demo. This report will be a comprehensive document that outlines your project, the work you’ve done, and the results you’ve achieved.

You’ll also need to prepare a demo of your project to show to your project supervisor and administrator. This demo is an important opportunity to showcase your work and receive feedback, and can be whatever it is you were working on during the term (hardware, software, or otherwise). It doesn’t have to be complete, but you do need something that you can showcase in the meeting.

The demo meeting is typically scheduled for the last 2 weeks of lectures before the fall exam season starts. It’s a good idea to start preparing for this meeting early so you’re not scrambling at the last minute.

Week 18-22
mid January-early February 2026

Practical oral presentations

The practical oral presentations are an opportunity to present your work to your peers and receive feedback.

It’s important to prepare thoroughly for these presentations to make a good impression and to learn from the feedback you receive!

Week 20-24
early February-early March 2026

Oral presentations

Present your work to your project supervisor, administrator, and any external partners. This is your final opportunity to showcase your work and receive feedback before the final report and design fair.

Week 26
mid March 2026

Submit project final report

Your team will need to submit a final report that outlines your project, the work you’ve done, and the results you’ve achieved.

Week 29
early April 2026

Showcase your project at the ECE Capstone Design Fair!

Some images from past ECE Capstone Design Fairs:

Mr. Aladdin Abujarad (second from right), from the team of administrators, speaks to students inside the Myhal Centre, where ECE’s 2024 Capstone Design Fair was held over three nights in April. (photo by Matthew Tierney)
Mr. Aladdin Abujarad (second from right), from the team of administrators, speaks to students inside the Myhal Centre, where ECE’s 2024 Capstone Design Fair was held over three nights in April. (photo by Matthew Tierney)
In April, fourth-year ECE students gathered over three nights in the Myhal Centre to present their yearlong design project as part of the 2023 ECE Capstone Design Fair. (Photo: Matthew Tierney)
In April, fourth-year ECE students gathered over three nights in the Myhal Centre to present their yearlong design project as part of the 2023 ECE Capstone Design Fair. (Photo: Matthew Tierney)
Professor Roman Genov (left) talks to (from left to right) Mohammed Abdolrazzaghi (ECE PhD candidate) and the Capstone team of Kimberley Orna, Aurora Nowicki and Selena Liu (all Year 4 ElecE). The team developed a wireless method of transferring power to multiple brain implants. They presented their project in April at the ECE Capstone Design Fair. (photo by Matthew Tierney)
Professor Roman Genov (left) talks to (from left to right) Mohammed Abdolrazzaghi (ECE PhD candidate) and the Capstone team of Kimberley Orna, Aurora Nowicki and Selena Liu (all Year 4 ElecE). The team developed a wireless method of transferring power to multiple brain implants. They presented their project in April at the ECE Capstone Design Fair. (photo by Matthew Tierney)
Students, alumni, faculty, industry and the public packed the Bahen Centre for Information Technology on April 5, 2019 to see fourth-year ECE students demonstrate their capstone projects.
Students, alumni, faculty, industry and the public packed the Bahen Centre for Information Technology on April 5, 2019 to see fourth-year ECE students demonstrate their capstone projects.