Using the Astro Content Loader API to get data from Goodreads bookshelves and dynamically build Goodreads components in Astro.
Taking 10 MB of UofT PEY Co-op job posting data (2000+ jobs) & displaying postings on a redesigned modern dashboard (for future students to have a better idea of what to expect)
CLI tools for recording terminal sessions locally (and to the web) as asciicast files (.cast), GIFs, and animated SVGs.
Collecting unstructured data on 2k+ job postings from UofT's PEY Co-op job board & pipelining to a single SQLite database less than 10 MB in size.
The art of maximizing content on a cheatsheet while maintaining readability using the cutting-edge in type-setting technology (ala Typst).
Some snippets of tools I used to use back in my first year of university (and some that I still do too).