4th year Computer Engineering student at the University of Toronto. Likes reading (a lot).
Using the Astro Content Loader API to get data from Goodreads bookshelves and dynamically build Goodreads components in Astro.
What upper-year courses you should take as a UofT ECE student (and what to watch out for when planning on Magellan).
My favourite TV shows and movies of 2024 (and others).
My favourite books of 2024 (and others).
Taking 10 MB of UofT PEY Co-op job posting data (2000+ jobs) & displaying postings on a redesigned modern dashboard (for future students to have a better idea of what to expect)
UofT's Work Study program is a gem for finding part-time work; here's why you should apply (and how you can use my redesigned dashboard for viewing jobs).
CLI tools for recording terminal sessions locally (and to the web) as asciicast files (.cast), GIFs, and animated SVGs.
Collecting unstructured data on 2k+ job postings from UofT's PEY Co-op job board & pipelining to a single SQLite database less than 10 MB in size.
The art of maximizing content on a cheatsheet while maintaining readability using the cutting-edge in type-setting technology (ala Typst).
What I would’ve told myself back then if I could do so now.
Some snippets of tools I used to use back in my first year of university (and some that I still do too).
Better alternatives to rote memorization (also known as cramming the night before an exam)
Everybody needs a system for making their to do list; Trello is mine.
People loathe the experience of email. Here's my system of dealing with it.
Coming up with good ideas can be tough, but the real magic lies in the process, not just the outcome.
Why you should be writing if you aren't already.